Monday, November 8, 2010

The Cause and Effect of the Fashion World

Where there is a cause, there is an effect. This is were experimental research comes into play in the fashion industry. Experimental research is helpful in many industries because there is a controlled variable or variables in the research experiment. By controlling a variable or variables researchers are able to see the change in one variable and its affects on another. Incentives are a good way to get the public to participate in an experiment. Who wouldn't want a free Gucci bag or a pair of Carlos Santa shoes just for giving a little bit of their time?

Instead of just asking how customers feel about the shoe selection at Aldo or how their shopping experience was at Forever 21; researchers can conduct an experimental study to see how the public views the store. To test a hypotheses experimental research can be used two different ways. Either field or lab experiments can be conducted with two groups. A control group and a experimental group.
Retail testing is one experimental research method used in the fashion industry. Certain stores are chosen to test clothing in and see how customers react to the clothing. Often times consumers attitudes are researched to see how they feel about a certain product, brand, or store. One experimental study researched the habits of consumers in the United Kingdom and Malaysia and their shopping habits online. This study wanted to find out how consumers viewed online shopping and what factors influenced their behaviors.

Research is important in the fashion industry no matter if its experimental research or survey research as previously discussed!

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