Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fill Out the Survey...Please?

Quantitative research is different than qualitative research. Instead of relying on research methods such as interviews and focus groups to gain more in-depth information on a topic; quantitative research looks to measurement methods to gain information to answer a question. A survey is one quantitative research method that is used in Public Relations.

Remember when you checked out at Macy's last week and the cashier told you to go online to fill out the survey at the end of the receipt? Not only did she ask you to fill it out; she told you that you would receive 5% off your next purchase! Survey's are one way that companies use research to evaluate how they are doing and what their customers think.If an incentive is given from filling out a survey more people are likely to do it! 

Looking at Vanessa's Blog she mentioned qualitative research with the use of a focus group. What was really interesting was that this facility was located in Paris. The Louvre Focus Group is a facility that provides the services to conduct a focus group. Unlike a survey, a focus group is more in-depth and tries to find new insights and uncover hidden ideas and opinions. This means, the site where the focus group is conducted must be comfortable for the participants. This facility provides an environment that is comfortable for the participants with food included. This helps to prevent biased information; if people feel comfortable in the setting they are being observed in then they will be more likely to act normally and truthfully. With survey's people may lie or not give away certain information because they are unsure who is receiving the information.

On a different note, Kevin's blog focus's on the fitness and supplement aspects of sports in the Public Relations industry. I found it interesting that collecting statistics from body building profiles is one of the most common ways of obtaining data regarding the use of supplements. The idea of these profiles is anyone who uses a supplement or body enhancer can create a profile, track their uses, and record their results for others to view and comment. Researchers can then look at these sites to gather the data that they need. Users may not know that their profiles are being observed and this leads to a less biased and more truthful result. One steroid data base provides profiles, information, and articles.

Kevin wrote: "In the fitness and supplement industry, research is everything.  With the expansion of so many companies in the field, it is vital to constantly research consumers and their desires." This is so true. Research is everything. In order to keep track of what your consumers want you need to know who your target audience is and how to reach them. Survey's are a useful tool to evaluate how your consumers feel about your product. It yield's statistical results that can be measured against other competitors. Survey's can be done online, by mail, and by telephone.   

Research is important for the Public Relations Industry! Quantitative and qualitative research methods are both important in answering questions, testing and developing theories, and forming new insights and ideas.

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